Guess what else is in season? ASPARAGUS! This is the ultimate spring time recipe. It bridges the gap between winter and spring. It still has the cozy, comforting aspects of gnocchi with the lightened up (in season) asparagus, ricotta cheese and pesto! It's the perfect combination! I love pesto gnocchi. I love ricotta gnocchi. Why not combine the two?! Even the most beginner cook can make this! All you do is throw everything on a sheet pan and then into the oven! The oven bakes the asparagus and gnocchi while adding a delicious, creamy texture to the ricotta and pesto The perfect busy night meal!
Gnocchi pronunciation: nee-ah-key. (click here if you need to hear it)
I once went to an ITALIAN restaurant and ordered gnocchi (pronounced properly) and the waiter corrected me saying "oh you mean the gia-no-chee?" No I mean the gnocchi. He was like 16- it doesn't seem like he had a bright future in the Italian food industry.
Ingredient Breakdown:
Shelf-stable Gnocchi
I have not tried this with Trader Joe's Cauliflower Gnocchi (shocking, I know). I am sure it would work, you may just have to cook the cauli gnocchi for a while before adding the other ingredients to make sure they do not burn. If you make it with cauli gnocchi let me know in the comments!
Sundried tomatoes
Cooking Spray
Garlic clove
Ricotta Cheese
Jarred Pesto
Basil to garnish